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Master Program

Page history last edited by hanaaalassi 3 years, 1 month ago

program doctoral
Ph.D. is short for Doctor of Philosophy, and is usually awarded after extensive research in a specific field of study has been completed. This research should contribute significantly to the existing knowledge base, and must be completed with a thesis or dissertation. Often the thesis or thesis must be defended before a panel of experts in the field and only after a successful defense is the Ph.D. A PhD usually takes at least 4 years to complete, but sometimes longer depending on the student, university and program.
Then he touched on a very important point, which is entrepreneurship, small and micro Business Administration, the methods of establishing and managing them, the characteristics required for the success of the entrepreneur, the methods and types of financing, and how to establish an effective entity and choose its type. Then, he will discuss some commercial concepts of an economic nature and explain their impact on the field of business in general, with an explanation of the form and types of market competition.
Pharmaceutical Education It provides the latest information on medicines and research, presents news of the latest practical conferences, and provides continuous pharmacy education in various branches of medicine A website that specializes in continuing pharmacy education and presents it in the form of articles for study or a live broadcast of some lectures.
Managing Change is one of the contemporary administrative approaches that have been widely used in the last years of the twentieth century, and the concept is diverse and complex, due to the multiplicity of researchers, scholars and practitioners in management science, in addition to the different nature, quality and areas of change, and the variation in the approach used, methods and strategies.
Master Program





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